$400 hourly session rate
$250 hourly social time rate
$100 deposit sent to $dahliadnyc on Cashapp are required to session. No deposit no sessions.
Remaining session tributes are to be paid in cash at the beginning of our session.
Kinky GFE
$700 hourly rate
$200 deposit sent to $dahliadnyc on Cashapp, two provider references, and a photo of you and your ID are required to see me. Failure to do all three means I will not see you.
Remaining session tributes are to be paid in cash at the beginning of our session.
SWer shoot rates
sliding scale $150-$350 per hour
10 edited and retouched images per hour
Locations or studio availability available
Non-SWer shoot rates
$350 an hour
10 edited and retouched images per hour
Locations or studio availability available